Empowered Health

Crystal Coast Holistic Health

A Functional Approach to Gut & Hormone Health: Activate Natural Healing, Restore Internal Balance

Holistic Gut Health:

Laura Card


laura card

Empowered Health

Crystal Coast Holistic Health

Build generational health and restore balance by optimizing gut health, harmonizing hormones, and living intentionally.


Laura Card


laura card

Do you have a Gut feeling something is off?

Your yearly labs report you’re not sick but you don’t feel well.
You try to eat right, move your body but you struggle with cravings, bloating, or digestion.
Your cabinet is stocked with the best supplements but you’re still exhausted, cranky, and achy.
You’re entering midlife and starting to collect warnings about potential diabetes, high cholesterol or autoimmune issues.

As a practitioner when I hear about these very real experiences, my first thoughts are:

  • Could it be that your labs are within average limits but not at optimal levels?
  • Could your symptoms be common problems but still worthy of care and attention?
  • Could your symptoms be related to a deeper problem that has a simple solution?

 A discussion we could have would be:

Maybe you’re really after Wellness. And you’re not Alone. Many of us end up here. It’s possible that we’re just missing a few pieces of information and it could really transform how you care for your body. Seeking wellness is our Specialty.

An essential place for us to start your journey to wellness is taking a closer look at your gut health.

gut health symptoms
“I personally know the struggle of looking fine, feeling terrible, and not being able to find help.”

I had seven specialists. All of them reported that my blood work was fine. They suggested I was stressed out. When I described my very real and invisible leg pain, one provider threw her arms up in frustration and yelled, “Well what do you want me to do about it?!”

I struggled to make sense of my symptoms, normal lab work and the lack of care from my doctor. I felt crazy. And they thought I was lazy. And I couldn’t find proper care.

Functional Medicine gave me the answers to my gut health issues. I had no idea my symptoms were all related. I had lived with so many of my symptoms for years–I didn’t know that they weren’t normal!

I made a complete career change, received specialized training and now guide others to a natural way of healing and preventative care. So Welcome friend, and remember:

You’re not Crazy.
You’re not Lazy.
You’re not Alone.

What is Functional Medicine?
How can this approach help my situation?

Functional Medicine goes past treating surface level symptoms and explores potential connections to deeper root causes. For example, taking pain medicine for a headache is treating a symptom. Looking for headache patterns, related events and physiological reasons would be exploring root causes.

Functional medicine utilizes advanced lab testing that goes beyond the typical markers and ranges. This is often a game changer for people experiencing normal labs and feeling off. Advanced functional testing can reveal vital biomarkers, hormone levels, stress patterns, toxic exposures, gut bacteria balance and potential parasites. It will also tell us all of the things your body is doing really well.

Working with a functional medicine practitioner will look like starting a detailed review of your history, lifestyle, diet, stress levels, daily energy, environmental toxins and genetic factors. We’ll look for history and lab work clues to show us what’s really going on.

Functional Medicine provides a patient centered approach where your experience and priorities become our focus. While solutions can be simple there is often a need beyond information to make lasting lifestyle changes that support healing and wellness.

In our 5 Month program called “Hungry for Healing,” we offer you everything you need to activate your body’s natural ability to heal and restore balance.

hungry for healing

Choosing a practitioner to lead you through the process will reduce your healing mental load and organize your care.  I will do the heavy lifting of assessing your situation, interpreting the lab work, prioritizing needs, finding the best supplements and connecting you with the best science backed resources. Throughout the program we will track your progress and direct message through our health app.


hungry for healing call

Find out if we’re a good fit for your needs and goals.


history review

Deep dive into your history, prioritize needs, create initial plan, & order advanced labs.

results and recommendations

Results & Recommendations

Review lab findings, co-create a custom nutrition & health plan.

nutrition plans

Nutrition & Lifestyle

Virtual 1:1 health visits:
We will celebrate, answer questions, and make adjustments.

weekly check-ins

Fine Tuning

Ongoing support with workbook, modules, and group coaching calls.

Ready To Get Started?

I’d love to hear your story and help you find answers.
Schedule a free Hungry for Healing consult to get started.

{Laura has always conducted herself in a professional manner while being very attentive to her patients' needs and concerns. She is hardworking, trustworthy, responsible, respectful, and a person with great integrity. She strives to improve her skill set so she can offer the best possible care.
{Laura has a deep sense of integrity and I think it shows in her work, especially with how much she cares and really tries to do well by other people. She really makes the extra effort to do her = best and to really help you individually as a person.
{" I love the way that Laura has the gift of laughing and finding joy through it all. Emotional and physical struggles can be overwhelming but she has a way of allowing the hard but also finding joy. It's so much more fun to cry and laugh and heal together!
{Laura has a gift of feeling deeply. She has an innate understanding and empathy. I've found her a safe place to lay out my burdens and struggles.
{“Laura is such a great listener and is amazing at meeting people where they are without judgment and with kindness and love. She is also very intentional and thoughtful about her decision making. She genuinely cares about helping people and does with a very personal and customized approach! I would highly recommend Laura to anyone who wants to feel genuinely cared about and listened to.
{“I feel seen and heard by Laura. She is insightful and has a great memory. That combined with her knowledge and experience, allows her to provide sound advice and care.
{Laura has always conducted herself in a professional manner while being very attentive to her patients' needs and concerns. She is hardworking, trustworthy, responsible, respectful, and a person with great integrity. She strives to improve her skill set so she can offer the best possible care.
{Laura has a deep sense of integrity and I think it shows in her work, especially with how much she cares and really tries to do well by other people. She really makes the extra effort to do her = best and to really help you individually as a person.
{" I love the way that Laura has the gift of laughing and finding joy through it all. Emotional and physical struggles can be overwhelming but she has a way of allowing the hard but also finding joy. It's so much more fun to cry and laugh and heal together!
{Laura has a gift of feeling deeply. She has an innate understanding and empathy. I've found her a safe place to lay out my burdens and struggles.
{“Laura is such a great listener and is amazing at meeting people where they are without judgment and with kindness and love. She is also very intentional and thoughtful about her decision making. She genuinely cares about helping people and does with a very personal and customized approach! I would highly recommend Laura to anyone who wants to feel genuinely cared about and listened to.
{“I feel seen and heard by Laura. She is insightful and has a great memory. That combined with her knowledge and experience, allows her to provide sound advice and care.

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